DC Technology

DC Technology is a factory representative for C&D Technologies, supplying turnkey DC equipment and service for North Carolina and Virginia.

An independent subsidiary of Chapman Company, DC Technology evolved from a battery test operation established in 1982 to an organization with total EF&I capabilities today.

DC Technology has furnished batteries, power boards and installation to such RBOCs as Verizon Communications and Sprint Communications, as well as independents such as North State Communications, Skyline Telephone, Shenandoah Telephone, and Citizens Telephone.

DC Technology in
  • a:6:{i:0;s:14:"North Carolina";i:1;s:14:"South Carolina";i:2;s:8:"Virginia";i:3;s:8:"Maryland";i:4;s:8:"Delaware";i:5;s:13:"Washington DC";}

Associated Market Segments